Wire crack meter with dataloggerCrack meter with integrated datalogger having indipendent operation used to monitor cracks, joints and linear displacements by recording displacement and ambient temperature values. Based on a rotary precision potentiometer which is driven by the winding/unwinding of a stainless steel wire with 80mm stroke.
It is possible to add an extension to the steel calble to monitor points which are distant. The crack-meter is configured using a graphic user interface running on Windows. The key charachteristics of the crack meter are low cost, battery power, simple installation and use, minimized visual impact.
2 versions are available:
PF80-USB with a PC connection using a MINI-USB cable to download measurement data and to configure the instrument using a GUI (graphic user interface software).
➤ Datalogger capacity: 51062 readings or 18236 readings wtih redundant CRC, acquisition frequency is adjustable from 10 seconds to 91 hours.
PF80-WIRELESS with a wireless connection to a PC to download measurement data and to configure the instrument using a GUI (graphic user interface software).
➤ Datalogger capacity: 51062 readings or 18236 readings with redundant CRC, acquisition frequency is adjustable from 1 minute to 91 hours.
1. Cover removal screws for battery replacement
2. Screw coupling
3. Cover removal screws
4. Fixing bores
5. Removable cap for USB connector
1. Cover removal screws for battery replacement
2. Screw coupling
3. Cover removal screws
4. Fixing bores
PF80-WIRELESS: grey anodized aluminum and transparent plastic
PF80-WIRELESS: battery 1/2AA 3,6V